Police in Bomet county have locked a 21 years old man in police custody for killing his wife after the man find out that the wife is in love relationship with other men in his Facebook account.
Report from people around said, a man by the name Kingeno langata attacked his 25 years old wife with a panga immediately when she arrived at their matrimoniol house from school . The matter that end up killing his wife after cutting her several times with that panga.
The man had sold his piece of land earlier in order to pay university school fees for his wife, and he had worn his wife before to stop that abit of flirting with men on Facebook but the wife continued with the Abit.
Kingeno langata wanted to kill his bilogical father, when the father went to crime scene trying to rescued his daughter in-law from being killed. When langata wanted to kill his father he was forced to run away to escape death.
The suspect after finishing his evil did , he represent himself to the police station carrying a panga in his hand , The panga he used kill his wife with.
The body of the deceased has been moved to Longisa sub county hospital morgue read for postmortem and the man has been locked in police custody to allow police to finish their investigation.