Home STORIES Biography Meet Andrew Levi AKA Junior in Becky Citizen Tv show Biography

Meet Andrew Levi AKA Junior in Becky Citizen Tv show Biography


Meet Andrew Levi alias Junior Katana, the Strathmore University Lecturer turned actor in Becky Citizen TV Show Series.

Andrew Levi who goes by the script name, Junior Katana, is a Citizen TV Becky Show actor and acts as the son of the Business Woman Martha Katana.

Life takes an unprecedented turn for Junior following his mother’s death. Lexy kicks him out of the house after realizing he is not the son of Jebulani and Martha conspired to kill her father, James Jebulani to inherit his wealth.

After being kicked out of the mansion, Junior shifts to the Ghetto where he is accommodated by Becky but days later he is kicked out after going broke.

He ends up hawking water in the Ghetto. Lexy’s mother, who is also kicked out of the mansion by her daughter helps Junior ger a footing by helping him with some money.

In a recent interview, Junior Katana/Andrew Levi, made a revelation on his debut in the acting career.

Junior revealed that his parents were diplomats serving in the Kenyan government and as a result, he was born in Zambia and grew up in different countries.

Among the countries that he accompanied his parents in the line of their careers include Britain, Israel, China and Zambia where he was born.

He also attended high-level and prestigious schools such as the Brookhouse School in Karen, Nairobi, Kenya where he pursued his basic education using the international curriculum.

After completing his studies at Brookhouse International School, Junior joined Cambridge and Oxford Universities where he pursued Medicine and Law.
Since his graduation, Andrew Levi, has held various senior positions in the corporate sector.

Recently, before joining the Becky Citizen TV Series, he was a freelance consultant.
Whilst speaker to one of the Youtubers, Andrew Levi revealed that he started acting at the age of 4 years. However, on several occasions, his parents discouraged him from pursuing an acting career and persuaded him to focus more on academics.

His father’s death taught him a hard life lesson, that life is short. This prompted him to try something that he had always wanted to do.

On joining Becky, Junior Katana, revealed that he saw an advert inviting actors for auditions and applied. It was on the day of the interviews that he became aware that the auditions were for Becky, the Swahili Series that would air on Citizen TV.

After going through the script, he chose the role of Junior Katana since the character had many similarities to his life.

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