World Champion Eliud Kipchoge is 38 years old.
He was born on 5 November 1984 in Kapsisiywa, Nandi.
At the age of 15, Champion Eliud finished his Form Four in the year 1999 at Kaptel Secondary School, Nandi.
The school was 3 KM away from Eliud’s home. He used to run to and fro to school on a daily basis. This strengthened his talented legs.
Champion Kipchoge was raised by a single mother, who was a teacher by profession.
Champion Kipchoge is the youngest of four children. He met his trainer Patrick Sang (a former Olympic medalist in the steeplechase) in 2001 at the age of 17. After just two years of training, he won his first gold medal in the year 2003 at the age of 19. Since then he has won 14 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 2 bronze medals.
Eliud kipchoge nethworth is not clear valued, but it’s estimated to be $3 million.
Kipchoge’s wife and three children live here in Eldoret City, Kenya, the Home of World Champions.
He lives and trains in Kaptagat, a small center , 19 miles from Eldoret.