Home BUSINESS Olimax Locals ” Government bans schools from selling school uniforms” Trade Cs Moses kuria.

” Government bans schools from selling school uniforms” Trade Cs Moses kuria.


Speaking on Tuesday, 24th, 2023, the cabinet Secretary for trade Moses kuria has questioned all schools to stop that business with emediate effect and focus on improving the academic matters of the school such CBC.

Moses kuria said the school uniform has no any impact on learners and therefore school should not institute any kind of uniform to be weared or where to purchase. He gives an example of America, where by schools has no a common uniform for all learners but that one has nover intered them from performing well.

The Cs said schools are putting on this rules of buying uniform in school because they are into the business with supplyers and ends making other manufacturer in the same industry to suffer alot because few people are enjoy the business, ends parents use more money in purchasing uniform which it is not easy for them as most of them are from poor background.

Moses Kuria said he is going to use this opportunity as the way of awakening our country economy through having many people at the bottom of the pyramid in making school uniforms than having a circle of few people doing it.

The Cs added that the government will send his officer to various school country wide to ensure that all schools are following this new directive measures.

” school should not sell unform. They are doing it illegally. I am sending out a team; we have trade officers who will go school by school kumulika mwalimu,” he said.

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