Home NEWS Breaking News 5 people dies as Mololine shuttle crush into a lory at Kikopey.

5 people dies as Mololine shuttle crush into a lory at Kikopey.


On Wednesday morning 26, January, 2023 , 5 people lost their live in Kikopey trading center when a multiple car crush along Nakuru-Gilgil highway

The National police service as they were investing the cause of the accident , they noted that the accident involved two public service vehicle and a lorry along the road.

A Mololine shuttle matatu and another one managed by Nairobi Bus company rammed into a lorry which was on the left side of the road along climbing line which is used by the motorist heading towards Nairobi.

According to report four adults people and one child died on the spot, while others sustained a serious injuries and were rushed to near by hospital for medication.

The cause of the accident not yet established but police are still on the run for further investigation in order to come up with the cause of the accident.

The National police service as urged all Kenyans to take precautions while using our roads to reduce the number of accident because it has been rampant in the recent time.

“we appeal to motorist and road users to adhere to traffic rules by driving within the legal speed limits, refraining from driving under influence of alcohol and any other form of recklessness on the road, ” from the National police service.

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