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Pastor Ezekiel’s big announcement during his first service after released from police custody.


Pastor Ezekiel Odero of New Life and prayer centre church at Mavueni in kilifi county was arrested and detained in police custody for 7 days over mass killing, indoctrination and linked to Shakahola massacre.

Police went ahead and closed his church for the whole week. They carried out investigation concerning the matter and at last they didn’t find any evidence to continue detaining him in police custody. Shanzu court magistrate realesed him on a cha bail of Sh3 million

Court oder pastor Ezekiel Odero New Life Church to be open again after being released from police. Court order him not to speak anything concerning his case to other people till the time the court will finish their proceedings.

Today marking the first Sunday since released from police custody to hold the service in his church, man of God has made some clarification concerning the matter and took his time to thank those people who stood with him during that difficult moment.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero said, he as forgiven all those people who were involved in his arrest and also urged his followers to forgive them and not hold any grag with anyone because he has released all of them in his and heart and leave everything to God.

He took is time to thank his spiritual father, pastor Pius Mwiru of maximum center for being a prayer piller to him during that difficult moment. He also thank his wife pastor Sarah Odero for not sleeping those all day and being there for him. He also thank all churches in Kenya and all Africa at large for standing with him.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero has hold a thanks giving service today at his church and urged his followers not to look at the negative side of the matter because God was lifting them to another level through arrest temptation.

During today’s service pastor Ezekiel as announced to his followers from all over the world that, he will be holding a holy communion service on Tuesday 9, May 2023, and urged all to come in large number.

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