Home STORIES Exclusive stories Yesu Wa Tongaren Biography, Age, Spouse, Tribe, Real name, Children, Education, Lifestyle...

Yesu Wa Tongaren Biography, Age, Spouse, Tribe, Real name, Children, Education, Lifestyle and Net worth.


Yesu wa Tongaren the leader of New Jerusalem church from Tongoren Constituency at Lukhokhwe village rose to fame after he self proclaimed to be Jesus Christ. He has prophesies so many things, like recently he said only 2 people from Nairobi county will enter heaven and the surprise that caught the attention of many people is that those 2 people are not yet born.

Just like Jesus Christ in the holy bible, Yesu wa Tongaren also have 12 disciples whom they believed were chosen by “God” to help him in evengalism. In New Jerusalem church every disciple has its own role that were given by Yesu wa Tongaren. Apart from disciples they also have angels in New Jerusalem church and the angels also have different roles in their kingdom, and one of the angels is angle Benjamin.

Yesu wa Tongaren is a strict man when it comes to religious matter in his New Jerusalem church. Members are not supposed to use make-up when entering the church for women, women are not supposed to wear trousers in the service, women are not supposed to mix with others or shake hands when are in their period because they believe to be unholy to shake hands with other while are in period, and for easy identification they wear black clothes. Men are not supposed keep long hair or rasta.


Yesu wa Tongaren was born in 1981 at Lukhokhwe village, Tongoren Constituency in Bungoma county. As per now in 2023 Yesu wa Tongaren is 42 years of age.


Yesu wa Tongaren is married to one wife her real name is not yet clear to public but in Jerusalem church they have given her the name Angel Benjamin.


Yesu wa Tongaren is a Abukusu man sub tribe of luyha. He is from western bantu.

Real name

Famously known by many people as Yesu wa Tongoren but his real name is Eliud Wekesa Simiyu .


Yesu wa Tongaren together with his wife angel Benjamin have 5 children, but the one who is known by many people is their first born daughter Diana Faraja.


Yesu wa Tongoren is illiterate as the romours said he is a class 3 drop out.


Eliud Wekesa Simiyu is a full time religious man as he take most of his time for praying and fasting. Apart from being a religious man at his free time yesu wa Tongaren he usually involve himself in farming of food crops.

Net worth

Yesu wa Tongaren net worth is not clear to the public but according to his standard of living he is a poor man, this also is being showcased where by is first born daughter Diana Faraja is being helped by one of the member of Parliament from Bungoma county in paying her university school fees


  • Age – 42 years old
  • Born – 1981 in lukhokwe village
  • Spouse – angel Benjamin
  • Tribe – A luyha ( Bukusu)
  • Children – 5 children
  • Education – primary level
  • Net worth – poor
  • Career – A religious leader

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