Home STORIES Exclusive stories Poor mechanic  shocked after found love from a lady from rich background...

Poor mechanic  shocked after found love from a lady from rich background whom they meet on Facebook


This poor mechanic was dating this beautiful girl online. One day the girl asked him to send money for transportation to come visit him. The poor mechanic was surprised. He thought the girl was going to deceive him. He couldn’t believe a pretty girl like this would want to come to him. Two days later, he borrowed money from his boss and sent it to the girl.

To her surprise, the girl flew from Abuja to Lagos, Nigeria, to see him. This beautiful girl is from a very wealthy family and wanted to prove men wrong that true love still exists and not all girls are after boys’ money. She first went to the address the guy had sent her and found out that her boyfriend was staying in a one-bedroom apartment with 7 other guys.

She asked them where she can find her boyfriend and they told her he is at work on the streets. She took the taxi to surprise him where he works. She came to the street walking around asking for the boy and people started teasing her saying ‘that ugly boy is sleeping somewhere under someone’s car with fat all over him’.

The girl continued to search while the rich in their cars whistled for her attention. When she finally found her dirty boy lover sitting behind a car, she ran to give him a hug and the boy started crying. She asked: why? And he said: ‘No woman has ever agreed to shake my hand let alone hug me in my entire adult life, except my late mother.’ Both started to cry. Later, the girl rented a flat for 5 years in the city for him and bought him a motorbike to use at work.

They are now both planning to travel to Canada where the boy’s talent can be developed.

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