Many people have been having difficulties in winning a mega or mid week jackpot of different betting sites. When many of them tries they only win bonus.
After a deep analysis have come up with 3 main steps for you to follow kneely when you want to win a jackpot of any betting site that you usually bet with.
1 Head to head between the two teams
Step number one research for head to head of team A and B, all the teams that have been placed on the jackpot research for atlist three results of their previous matches after they have met both home and away. This one will help you to know which team between the two have won many matches in their 3 previous matches, by having that statistic in your mind it will enable you to know which team will win the match that they are going to play.
2 Results of their 3 previous matches
Step number two research for results of each team in their previous matches, you can research for atlist 3 previous matches. This one will enable you to know the formation of the team and it’s performance. Through this data you will know the chances of the team winning, loosing or having a draw.
3 standing of the team in the league
Step number 3 which is the last step , research the standing of each team in their league this includes, research the position of each team in their league, research for the formation of the team example if they have injuries of the key players in the team. This is a very important aspect that will enabled you to make your decision on the two matches results.
If you follow the 3 steps very well ,