Home STORIES Biography Kokan of Sultana Biography, Real Name, Girlfriend and Face Photos

Kokan of Sultana Biography, Real Name, Girlfriend and Face Photos

Kokani Biography
Kokani Biography

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Who is Kokan?

Kokan is a male actor in the popular Sultana Citizen Tv show. He plays the role as an orphan, specialized doctor and a boy child of circumstances. His real name is Nelson Mandela (KOKANI).

Stage NameKokani (Kokan)
Real NameKokani’s real name according to his identification documents is Nelson Mandela
Is Kokani burnt in real life?In real life, Kokan is not burnt. He has a smooth, good looking handsome face
AgeKokan’s age ranges between 25 – 30 years old
Date of BirthNot revealed
Net WorthApproximately $200000
Is Kokan Married Kokan has not made public if married of dating
Tv Shows FeaturedSultana

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