Home BUSINESS Olimax Locals Sonko treathen to impeached Governor Sakaja.

Sonko treathen to impeached Governor Sakaja.


Former Nairobi governor Mike mbuvi sonko as sent a worning to the current governor Sakaja over is style of leadership in Nairobi county. Sonko said he will mobilised Nairobi people to impeached him because instead of working for Nairobi resident he is punishing them.

Mike sonko, said that Nairobi resident are unhappy and are complaining in the manner in which the City is being run.

Sonko said governor Sakaja needs to operate within the law but he is going against the law and sonko will not tolerate with his strong doings. He will use the power of the people to remove governor Sakaja from the office.

Sonko said as the former governor of Nairobi he understands the frustration of the Nairobians. He told Sakaja to respect and protect the business people and stop the rampant corruption that is going on in the City.

Sonko said Sakaja needs to respect Nairobi people because they elect him and added that if he had been in the ballot , Sakaja would not have been elected governor of Nairobi.

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